i lol'd at you
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @

suddenly i feel so dam screwed. bio n emath coming up. it feels lke prelims again. im screwing up later papers like no tmr.
ite here i come.

Friday, October 24, 2008 @
Geog - Pretty much owned it
Emath - Freaking careless minus 10 marks phuck
Amath - Minus 17 marks or so juz cos din do 3 qns due to lack of time/only knew how to do at last few minutes
hmm so so far 5 subjects in one week
supposed to get a1 for everything
amath looks abit screwed but hopefully i dun minus more than 30 for p2 n not more than 10 for p1 im pretty much safe
emath aiming for 80+ in p2 which is gonna be better than p1 I HOPE
geog juz slack abit own in human geog a1 is coming
eng depends
chem still on course

now for the worst week of all, physics+bio+history+emath=GGGGGGGGGGGGG

Thursday, October 23, 2008 @
Hi biatches
3 days of Os down, 3 more weeks to go
4 papers down 14 to go
So far its been pretty good.
I got dam high hopes for chem paper 2, though everyone said it was easy, so the a1 will probably be like 80+?
I din know how to draw a chloride ion. phuck. nvm its the only one i was clueless about.
Eng paper 1 was chicken shit for me at least, i wrote wild wild wet, some gais wrote downtown east, some wrote LITTLE INDIA LOL
Paper 2 was kinda screwed up, the whole thing was abt cats.
Once again -2 for vocab as usual, summary kinda screwed up
At first i had like 18 points but 200 words. After cutting down i had like 13 points with 150 words.
Bahh. So many inference qns as well. Paper 2's gonna pull me down.
Still im carrying hopes for a1.
Amath p1 ytd was easy
Everyone was doubtful abt their qn 10 lol including me
I thought integer must be positive so my answers were 1 n 1 LOL
Other than that one careless mistake ( somehow i read 1/9 as 1/49 wtfwtfwtf)
I knew how to do the rest at least.
Today's physical geog.
Supposedly i hav studied but im rly scared complacency strikes in
Hopefully not, i gotta get an a1 in geog
3 more weeks i can do this.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 @

wow after doing that, study doesnt sound like a proper english word anymore.
here comes the big shit in like 4 days?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @
Sunday. Was. The. Most. Productive. Day. In. Weeks.
uh huh im serious.
Completed scgs chem paper, SELECTED amath questions from tuition, read some physical geog on mrt n came home read through physics pracs.
Then proceeding days, one chem paper on monday, one emath paper today.
Speaking of tuition, sunday's session was the LAST one.
Spent it doing some easy shit questions, and then i saw mr teo for the last time
Ah, i admit, my amath improved immensely when i enrolled in the class
I rmb when i first went inside i was a fool who din know how to do partial fractions
Thanks for all the help lol

Erm today was physics prac, kinda easy compared to the other 2 subjects.
Though alot of ppl had different values for the final resistance, its all good
Next monday the real shit starts
kk 6 points ftw

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @
Arsenal draw with sunderland, yes mud.
Dam sick of this shit already, get consistent already omg.
Went jomat's house on saturday for lunch.
Gotta say its ownage mutton haha.

And today it was O level bio prac
Only got one thing to say: SCREW YOU FISH. asdasdasd
Well in case u all are wondering why i would want to screw a pathetic fish
Its cos the fish was supposed to have a fin by its gill cover on BOTH sides
For some stupid unknown reason mine only had a fin on one side
And therefore labelling wrong, question wrong.
Just like that i minus several marks, and my prac is supposed to do me good ESECIALLY FOR BIO.
Wow, after today i wonder wad they gonna screw up for chem prac on thursday.
Hmm, give me concentrated hcl instead of dilute?
I can believe after today's mishap.

Damn Os off to a bad start already. And there are like 4 5 more weeks to sustain?
I mean i was doing papers n tys kind of daily and at the very least i read through some textbook everyday.
But now when the going really gets tough and the time to put in more effort and spam work like theres no tmr is now,
Argh if only i realised the insignificance of prelims earlier.
I was actually starting to enjoy doing math papers.
But now its all disintegrated
I have to quickly regain that continuity again.

Someone tell me how to study everyday without any rest.

Friday, October 3, 2008 @
Last day of school kinda sucked.
It was not a good day at all.
Recover well jerome

Thursday, October 2, 2008 @
this is gonna be a long post, but do oblige my moment of indulgence.

After 4 years of acs education, its finally the time i officially end my life in this school.
Frankly i can't believe it's over so fast; it doesn't feel like 4 years.
Let's take a trip down nostalgia shall we.

I still remember after the PSLE, when we got our result slips.
I was still having hopes of getting into my first choice, HCI. Well maybe cos my bro's in there at that time.
Little did I expect to get into acsi. when i got the proof, i was shattered.

I came into this school with alot of doubts. I didn't know anyone, apart from yuan wei who was in another class.
I got sorted into 1.6 philip. I didn't exactly hit off with the right people...first guy i actually met was rafael.
At that time I was still feeling kinda lost. Most people in 1.6 were from acs schools.
But as months passed, i slowly felt as part of the class.
It was this year when my passion for football truly ignited, with the class playing every recess.
Still it was not the perfect class, with cliques spread among the class.
And during the 2 years i spent with this same group of people, i grew close with a few people, namely suan alex melvin and er, brandon.
We were the only few that took the mrt towards jurong east anyway.
That year in 1.6 saw the class became interclass champions. I gotta say its probably deserved, as our team comprised of very good players. I made the subs of course :)
sec 2 oep was kinda stupid. i rmb the curfews our class were set on, and that prank leonard neo played on rafael in the hotel.

Good memories. so when 2.6 came to an end i was feeling abit sad, after 2 years as a class.
subject combination considerations saw me taking geog core n history elec.
Thank god, i was sorted into 3.2 along with alex suan zilai n gaybs.
Now that was when life rly became exciting. heh.
At first the class was segregated into 5: the .5, the .2, the .6, the china scholars and the rest.
My first impression was pretty lousy, but of course i was proven very wrong.
start of sec 3 was the PSL experience; which frankly was kinda lame.
The class i was sorted into was...kind of like the old .6. but thank god, i survived that period.
Then came oep bali which bonded us together.
I still remember the times in the pool; at first it was kinda split. but gradually we began to play together.
Back in school we discovered a common passion for football. This class took playing time to a whole new level; even up to 6pm.
Also i discovered my knack for shooting long range.
Interclass soccer was promising but it ended abruptly for us; up till now i still can't forgive the prefect who disqualified us.
This was also the year i started playing dota.
Basically it was soccer/dota all year.
And there were also random talks abt soccer muds n sex. haha.
This time there weren't any cliques;even the scholars were talking with us well.
Results were also part of life of course.
At that time i was pretty pathetic. i still remember gettin 5 failures in mid years.
final year though, i managed to avoid con camp.
And i did win top in level for english, heh.
Thank god there was another year for this special class.

now it was 4.2.
Our teachers owned. well at least 2 of them do.
LDP was the beginning. It was basically the sex.
i still rmb arcading with kane almost everyday with me being the victor almost all the time of course haha.
There was also the bday celebrations for ck huseyn n ian. following that was that epic wrestling shit between ananthan n du.
After that enjoyable week in malaysa, it was back to business with Os coming later in the year.
Oh yea there was also that eventful interclass soccer again.
This time we were 4th. I scored an own goal, we lost to 4.15 3-1, yea.
BUT we did not have our first team and best player aka ck
So yea if we had our first team im sure we would hav pwned their ib asses.
Mid years was crappy though.
This time i got into con camp. I DUN REGRET IT AT ALL THOUGH.
I managed to get some constructive studying done, along with times when we played soccer with the other classes.
The LTs became our second home.
Re-exams followed. the term jomer became widespread.
My perseverance kind of paid off.
I got top in my class for emath re-exam, passed my chem well, and got an a1 for amath.
Now in the later half of the year, Os pressures were getting to me.
Pimples grew aplenty. (IT RHYMES)
Still soccer all day long, more fun shit happening every single day.
But only after i got my physics class test result back, i started panicking bad.
For once i started doing my tys.
Even during exams, we were still stayin back to play.
Prelims soon progressed. Over 4 weeks which was some natural disaster cos of the one week break in between. Shagged.
The end of prelims was a relief for me. But i knew it wasnt the end. Os was the real thing.
Seniors' night was a highlight.
We took lotsa pics (i wouldnt consider this cam whore).
see teck hock sang for us. all of us wore shirts. it was just a great day ending of with night soccer.
I then realised time was running short till the end of the class.
We got back our prelim results which was exceptional for me, 10 points.
But this wasn't Os, and i am still aware.
Studying still goes on.
Now i submit this post at 12+ on oct 3. last official day of school.
Next up, Os. then its all over.

Yes I joined NCDCC.
National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
I regret joining it, yet i cherish some stuff i learnt inside.
When we were noobish privates, there was sherwyn i think
And during sec 2-3, there were the 3 CLTs, most notably jeremy ee.
I'll never forget that night of SBB. Yea we suffered as a unit and had fun as a unit.
Going through parades as one of the noobish UYOs was never a good feeling, yet i upheld my pride.
It was not a bad 4 years in ncdcc actually
But all that was shattered when i realised that I GOT A FREAKING B3 for cca.
blast that.

Thinking back of the 4 years, i feel like shedding a tear.
No doubt 4.2 has been the best class i ever got into.
Our interests were all the same.
Soccer was everyday life.
And now that school comes to an end, i will miss a few things.
1. Astro turf - for obvious reasons
2. SAC - i will admit the food is good
3. Classrooms - made life bearable
4. class 4.2. for sure, for sure.
5. teachers, especially the good ones like lin hui and karen liau.

Though i'm not a christian, i still thank god for allowing me to spend time in such wonderful classes from p5 to now.
I feel damned privileged.
Thanks for all the memories, thanks for letting me realise how lucky i am.
I really will miss the whole lot of 4.2
hoping we won't separate even as we go on to our own paths.
maybe i'll have another post on each individual in the class.

i feel kinda like a fag posting all these shit. but i felt i had to do what i wanted to.

but for now, lets own the Os ppl.

o hai dere
O hai dere, this is ma blawg. If u mad, or u gay, or u homo, get lost kkthnxbai This Is Sparta.

~ Nicholas Tan ~
16+ years
ACS(I) 1.6 2.6 3.2 4.2
Rulang 6U'04
5th Sep 92
Arsenal fan.

talk it out

train to nowhere
Amanda | Benjamin | Clement | Damien | David | Jian Ler | Jiong Rui | John | Joyce | Mei Chia | Pei Xian | Priscilia | Qianwen | Rachel | Rou Hui | Sarah | Wei Sheng | Xuan Wei |
Desiree |
Abraham | Austyn | Dom | Elliot | Ian | Kenric | Lionel | Melvin | Palmer | Rafael |

> March 2008
> April 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> August 2008
> September 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008
> December 2008
> January 2009
> February 2009
> March 2009
> April 2009
> May 2009
> June 2009

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.